Antelope Canyon ARIZONA, 2024

Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, 2024
Israel was attacked on October 7, 2023. Resulting in 1,143 deaths and 101 hostages still in captivity as of February 12, 2024. Please consider supporting Israel here.Thank you.
Israeli Protests, 2023
A lot has been said about the state of Israel in current years, with both many regional and political conflicts. It has definitely had its fair share of controversy.
This project takes a look at the current protest embroiling Israeli society. And showcase those protesting the current government.
A Portrait of Bathurst Street, 2021
A Portrait of Bathurst Street is a study about a street stuck in the past. The history of immigrant communities and the scars of an ever-changing cityscape have left Bathurst forgotten and overlooked. Yet when it came to a pandemic, where stores were closed, and people were left isolated it did what it's always done, being the community channel for all the neighbourhoods it intersects and the people who call it home. I am one resident who wanted to share my perspective in this 64-page photo book of where it's been, where it's at and where it's headed.
Toronto in a Pandemic, 2020
In this project I decided to show my take on the new reality millions of Canadians and the entire population of the world are facing: a global pandemic. This series examines a time where the world has come to a standstill, life as we know it, has been paused in place because of the looming COVID-19 virus. But as with all world events, this too shall pass, and all that will be left are the memories, in a century from now when history majors study this event, as we now study the 1918 Spanish flu, which occurred over 100 years ago, people will be reminded of the severity of the current situation.
Surveillance Culture, 2019
You walk and they see.
Surveillance Culture is a seminal collection of 33 images, all which share a focus on the video devices that capture us daily, bringing to light those mass produced closed-circuit television cameras we know are everywhere but have gone blind too. Like the scent of your cat you can no longer smell, these cameras appear so conspicuous that we remove them from our gaze. And while we carry on our daily lives they witness and record.
Now it’s time to see who’s looking.
Maximum Exposure Digital Exhibition
A Portrait of Bathurst StreetFunction Magazine Issue 22
A Portrait of Bathurst Street
Featured in CanCulture Magazine
Toronto in a PandemicThird Year Show, Apart of Me/ Apart from You
Digital Magazine
A Series of TriptychsWork, Commerce, Justice, Politics & Media
Function Magazine/ Maximum Exposure Show
Online Exhibition p. 19First Edition Photobook Show - Winner
Ryerson Art Space 401 Richmond St. Toronto
Surveillance Culture The BookReview & Featured in The Photographic Historical Society of Canada
Digital Magazine p. 7
Maximum Exposure Exhibition
Ryerson School of Image Arts 122 Bond St.Toronto
Surveillance CultureFunction Magazine (2019) Edition
Olympus a CollageTridel® Condos
Ten York & Aquavista at Bayside

Yarden Haddi
Algonquin Park, Smoke Lake, 2020
Archival Print
8.5 X 11 Inch.

royal ontario museum, canada, 2024
vancouver, canada, 2023
Photo • Film • Digital
Yarden is a Toronto-based photographer. His work covers topics such as shifting landscapes, architectural design, implementation of surveillance in our daily lives and the use of the urban space. His work utilizes a mix of digital and analogue methods in whichever best fits the subject matter. His current work A Portrait of Bathurst Street explores the historical street in Toronto. Other recent works include Toronto in a Pandemic and Surveillance Culture.